Thursday, December 17, 2015


I had a good year in this class. I personally like this class a lot. Everytime I came here, greeting Mr. Haymore bought me joy and that eagerness to learn. I felt like this class shaped me who I truly am, because it taught me what kind of person I wanted to be and what career I want to do. I always love the Student Success Statements because it was that kind of time were I express myself, and feel free to talk about my opinions. I appreciate Mr. Haymore so much because I look up to him, and because his words are empowering. This class impacted me the most this year, because this class shaped me what I wanted to be. I remember, when we were doing those medical researches, but none caught my attention. It was one day, when we did research about Cardiologists, and I found it interesting. That's when I relized that is what I want to do in life. I had a great time, in Mr.Haymore. I had this attitude to keep on trying even if you fail several times. I'm thankful to be in this class, because I realized not that much kids have the oppurtunity to be in front of a computer typing, like we do. Some people need to stop complaining, and actually realize that we are fortunate to have these technologies right besides them. Things I kind of dislike was when we randomly pick a person to share. Overall, there's nothing to dislike about this class. I'd say we should look up quotes of famous people currently popular that is appropiate to the class. I'd also suggest to make people share, and I wish we can debate over CTR related topics. In my opinion, I felt like I did great in this class. I took my time researching and I put my best efforts in the student success statement. I put a lot of effort on these assignments, because they are the only ones I enjoy doing. However, I felt like I couldn't master my typing skills. I should had, but I honestly didn't took things seriously in the begining. It is never too late to learn, and starting next week I'll practice my typing skills. Furthermore, this semester is about to go to an end, and I feel committed to be a CTR person, everywhere I go, and even at home. I feel accomplished since I achieved so much. I feel like that awesome feeling, is the best christmas gift. Even though this is my last post of 2015, choosing the right will always be in my mind. I was thinking to moving to SSJ, but it is now clear that I'm staying here. Thank you, Haymore.

Friday, December 11, 2015

IDP Reflection

This was the first time I actually presented to a few proffessionals. I felt like these past few weeks really payed off, and I feel so relieved. I  actually felt like stuttering and freezing, but I managed to say what I needed to say, because my team depended on me. My heart kept on pounding really fast, but my group members told me no need to worry, and I guess that is when I'm loosing the nerves. So when I went to the room to present, there I saw Haymore, and Davis. Seeing Mr. Haymore there made me feel, really comfortable and less nervous. So my topic was about Stroke. So when my part came, aia spoke about ways people can help, and other resources like organizations. A few hours before my presentation, I kept on practicing what I was going to say. So when the time came, I didn't read off the cards, and neither were my group members. If anything, I learned that this is practice for real life, and I shouldn't worry or stress out so much. I learned that Stroke is something serious in today's society, and we can lend a helping hand and try to find them help. This project benefited me because now I don't feel to nervous. I shook the nerves off, so by the time the next one comes, I'm sure ready without a doubt. I really impressed my father. Before, most of my presentations, were lackluster, and unclear. Last night, that all changed because I spoke clear, had straight posture, didn't stutterd, and memorized what I was going to say. I definetly improved this time, and I am proud of myself. I'm also proud of my four other group members because we played it at well, and we each contributed a good amount of the presentation. By far, this has been the greatest representation I ever had done. It is already Friday, but I feel like this is one of my personal highlights of my freshmen year.
''Always do right." Mark Twain                                 
Doing what is right has to be done everytime. A CTR person knows what right to do. Doing what is right means to be fair, help a person, be generous sometimes, being polite, and treat others with respect. Being honest 24/7 means you always do right. A CTR person that always do right somehow lives with integrity. These people, have so much positivity in them which makes them good life happy people. Its a world I want, where people are doing the right and getting along together even if society has a variety of differences. Doing the right, makes people feel more uplifted and have this feeling in their hearts knowing they did good. Doing the right is something simple. It is not complicated in any way, and any person can choose to do the right starting now. If anything people can be polite to others, for starters. People can choose to do what's right, for example helping a disabled person organizing something, helping an elder with their groceires. But, there is a variety of ways you can do to do what's right. However, if you are choosing to help, people should help out from the bottoms of their hearts, and not help to think it sets a good image on them. Choosing what's right once does not categorized anyone in the ctr group. Always choosing the right, does set you in the CTR group and that's why it is imperative to always, but always do whats right.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Evan Stephens
''If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."

I find this quote or saying relevant til this day. It is true that choosing the right makes you feel fearless. Really great feelings like happinesses and joy kicks in. Its the best thing to do because you are no where near fear. In life, there is many kinds and levels or rewards and happiness. Depending on how good you had been, your reward can be something simple, or something massive just for choosing the right. However, choosing the wrong can lead you to a consequence. Consequences can have many levels depending on what wrong a person has done. Some consequences take away a few privilages, while other consequences can be quite serious. When people choose the wrong, it makes them have a guilt and some sort of fear of getting caught, people finding out, or the news spreading to others. If anything choosing the wrong, gets you to a horrible state. Prison exists for those people who choose the wrong. These people broke laws, commit murders, sold drugs, and other horrible crimes. Some of those people are just so weak that they fear being in prison. That's why they pay there punishment. These people when they were young had no one to educate them. They had no one to guide them, or know one to look up to which is kind of sad. Choosing the right always makes you have a positive feeling. Never, ever will you feel upset, or frightend when you choose the right. I remember one time when my parents told me, you see those people, there is nothing fun about drinking or doing drugs at 3;00am worrying to get caught. They told me to be something in life. Thats why I follow the road to choose the right. Its the most safest and great thing to do. People should ignore, that little devil in their shoulder and choose the right. No need to fear.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Lou Holtz

The 3 Questions:
1) Can people trust me to do what's right
2) Am I committed to doing my very best
3) Do I treat people the way I want to be treated
''If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail."

Mr. Holtz has a point here. A CTR person with a CTR mind will say yes to each of these three questions. If someone feels like slightly saying no, then that means they aren't fully there yet because they are still choosing some sort of wrong. A CTR will never fail to choose the right, because they will always be trusted. A CTR person will always stay committed and will never fail at giving it their best shot. A CTR person will always treat others the way they want to be treated. I feel like a person who says yes to all these questions also have a matured mind and it is something great for them. A CTW person will have a hard time answering this, or will struggle to give an answer to these 3 questions. A CTW person is hard to trust. They can't stay committed to anything, and they don't treat others the way they want to be treated. It is most likey that these anti-ctr people will fail due to these facts. For example, a CTR person will be trusted not to do drugs even if the people around them force them to. A CTR person will stay committed in a way like staying determined to get to that A or B. Also a CTR, will treat anyone the way they want to be treated. This means that they will treat everyone with respect and manner, regardless of who they are, what their race is, sexuality, and other differences. That is how you know if a person has passed these 3 questions. A person who chooses the wrong won't be trusted, for example no one will trust them to let them borrow anything even money or belongings. These people won't be committed because they choose to fail and not try their best. Lastly, these people won't treat anyone with respect because they are to rude and curse a lot to others. That is not nice. So overall, anyone who gets these three questions right, is definetly a CTR person and will always choose what is right. These people are blessed.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

John F. Kennedy

''Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."

This quote is from the one and only, John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States. This quote seems something you might remember him of, because it is something clever he said. Our bodies must be strong enough to support some sort of health. Without, we might not be committed and come up with an excuse. Intelligence and skill can function with the right health, strength, and ability. Some people don't bother to gain intelligence or learn a skill, due to the fact that they have an excuse. Honestly, that is how life is. Whatever your strength is, that is the skill you may develope. Whatever state of health you are in, determines what kind of intelligence you may gain. So in away, health and how strong your body is does matter.
If I were to think of a place anywhere aroud the world, it would be Greece. I just love the Greek aesthetics and its culture. Parts of Greece I would like to visit one day would be, Athens and Santorini. The attraction there in my opinion is really fantastic. The aesthetics are very beautiful, and most of the ocean's view is just pure beauty. I love nature and I guess, Greece is offering it to me one day. Santorini's main attractions is a mountain village near the coast, called Thirasia. On top of the mountain you can see a nice clear blue ocean, with native people using their boats. Santorini also offers a beautiful sunset on Imerovigli. Imerovigli is known for its sunset, and I would like to go there to see something I never seen before. Its sunset is the major attraction place, with beautiful domes and churches being illuminated by the coast. There is also so much I want to see in Athens. Athens is also known for its archeology, art, and music. I have a great interest in art, and I would like to go to a muesum over there. Acropolis Muesum, is located in Athens. Would I would like to see are its fine sculptures and paintings. I will also want to see the Acropolis of Athens. Its really ancient, and sits on a hill. This beautiful temple is the home of the Parthenon. Specifically it was build for the Greek goddess, Athena.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

              ''Kindness is the essence of greatness.
                            ~Joseph B. Wirthlin

Mr. Wirthlin thinks that kindness is the essence to greatness. This is true because kindness gets you to a better state with people. My mother always told me to treat others like I want to be treated. Being kind to people did so many things to me. I avoided drama with those people who were rude, I made good friends, and I enjoy my classes. Being kind to other is something great, and you feel great to. Something kind would be greeting someone, or show your generosity towards someone. Anyone can be nice and become something great. I have to say, I was fortunate to grow up with kind parents. I also feel fortunate to have a kind teacher like Haymore to teach me life lessons. I feel like kindness does open doors. Even though people can be mean, you should still be kind to them, because a CTR person always makes that move. People should be kind to one another throughout their lives. When I go to college, I will always remember to be kind. However, we have people in this world who are unkind. Sometimes it is hard to deal with these people because of selfishness, child like behavior, or attitude. These people like to hurt people's feelings, lie, ignore, or even use anyone for their own needs. Sometimes we can't change them, so we have to deal with it. We have to act like adults, act mature about the situation, and just be kind to them. Kindness can save you from drama, arguements, and other unneccessary fights. The mature thing to do is be kind to anyone, because it leads you to greatness.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Henry Ward Beecher
''Hold yourself responsible
for a higher standard than 
anybody else expects of you
Never excuse yourself."

This quote means we have to take action and became something more than what people expect from us. We need to push ourselves a little more. Sometimes people need to try harder more than their expectations. There is basically no excuse what so ever to not try to go higher than our expectations. We have a potential to live or accomplish something. However we don't get what we want, due to the fact that people don't try harder than their expectations. We have to put a bit effort in order to accomplish something. There is no excuse at all. If people expect something from you, go higher than their expectations. Its a good thing in a way. People change the way they look at you. I'm not quite sure, if this is what the quote means. I am a little bit confused in defining what it means.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

''If it is not right, do not do it: if it is not true, do not say it."
                                                     ~Marcus Aurelius
This quote tells a lot. Usually we should choose the right, especially the youth of today because a lot of them get influenced by the negativity of their friends or media. Today not many people don't do the right. If a person feels like they do the wrong, they do it anyways and that's where they messed up already. Never is it ok to do something that's not right because it is never right. Also, people, again youth, tend to say things that are not true. Marcus Aurelius quote is reasonable because never is it okay to say something that's not true. You are either telling a lie or spreading gossip. Those are things you shouldn't say or spread, because feelings and emotions get hurt. Saying or spreading gossip, means you are choosing the wrong. Maybe people should think twice before saying anything, because, they would never know what kind of trouble they will get in. What is better is saying the truth and that is what a CTR person would do. We have to think before our actions. If something feels wrong, that is already a sign of wanting to choose the wrong. So by not ending up doing the wrong, just stop or turn away from that situation and choose the right. Not many people realize the situation they put themselves in by lieing or gossiping. For example, a person who chooses the wrong, is a girl who would spread rumors about a certain someone, even if those ruumors aren't true. Another example is lieing on a certain situation to cover up an excuse. There is never an excuse for choosing the wrong, you can only learn from it, and hope that you will never do it again. If something isn't right don't ever say it, or attemp it. In life, we must choose the right, so we can live life good.

Monday, November 16, 2015

''Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or loosing."
~Chick Moorman

Mr. Moorman says that winning or loosing doesn't really matter if you choose the right, be fair, and be honorable. In a way its true because some people should be greatful in a competition. Some people who loose don't even feel honored and curse out loud. Even winners who won, curse and show aggression. That's actually choosing the wrong, and it is unneccessary to hear that. That's also being a BAD SPORT. Usually a bad sport would curse for no reason. A bad sport might even cheat in order to win, and that's being unfair. If a person is exposed and everyone finds out about them being a bad sport then they can't rely on those people. People who cheat don't achieve integrity. However, a GOOD SPORT would do what's right, what's fair, and what's honorable. A good sport would take pride in loosing, and would be proud if they try. A good sport wouldn't curse with victory, drink with victory, or show aggression with victory. These people play good with the rules and follow them. Not only that, but they are also obedient within the game. Loosing might seem bad, but to make it so far in a contest or competition is something to be proud of. An example would be a basketball player who gave it his best shot and lost. He played fair, and he still gets to play. However some NBA players choose the wrong, win unfairly, and are later disqualified and kicked out of the team. This is alos useful for not just sports but when it comes to competitions in general, you have to play fair, right, and be an honorable person, because at the end of the day, that's what matters most.
Duties and Responsibilities:
A veterinarian is a person who practices veterinary performances such as treating a disease, disorder, or injury to an animal specifically. A veterinarian also administers vaccines. A veterinarian also does regular checks up as well. Veterinarians also cure dogs if they fall ill, or if they are sick. Animals that suffered dome injury are also treated. Depending on the injury, the treatment can last a few weeks or even months. Some Veterinarians also perform surgeries on certain animals for specific reasons. They also treat skin infection, or other infections the animal carries. Some veterinarians also fix broken bones. However there are many kinds of veterinarians out there. Typical veterinarians are those who treat are dogs and cats, there are also those who treat wildlife animals at zoos or aquarium. Duties and jobs vary from the type of profession and type of clinic.

Median pay (annual)84,460 USD (2012)
Median pay (hourly)40.61 USD (2012)


In order to be a veterinarian, you need to have a Bachelor’s Degree. You also need to attend a veterinary school. As long as you take any science course you’re fine. However, some veterinary schools expect you to take more advanced science courses. After you need to get a license. You have to pass some tests in order to be licensed. Then you gain some experiences with real animals. Most veterinarians choose to work with easy going animals such as dogs, cats, birds, or any farm animal. 

Reflection: I wouldn't want to be a veterinarian, but working with animals seems nice. I find it interesting because its a medical career helping animals. I like animals, and seeing them healthy brings me joy. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

  1. Have the courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth.
  3. Do the right thing because it is right.
''These are the three magic keys to living your life with integrity."
W. Clement Stone
This is so true, beacuse in life we can't live with integrity without following those rules. Having the courage to say no is one thing you have to do to live life with integrity. Most young people just aren't brave enough to say no. Peer pressure is the reason why so many teens just can't say no with courage. They feel lame or uncool, but they aren't alone, because everyday so many of them face peer pressure. Those people need to have courage to say no to live life with integrity because if they don't they might go downhill. If you say no to risky activities, parties, and doing drugs, you pass the test so far. Also having the courage to face the truth is a second thing because you have to be truthful inorder to have itegrity. Lieing doesn't make you live life with integrity. Lieing is so dirty thatyou are choosing the wrong which is not okay. Lieing is so bad, instead of solving problems, it makes matters worse. However being courages to face the truth is the right thing to do, because you can get something out of it. You can get a solution by just facing the truth. Facing the truth can get you help too. Also, if you had choose the wrong, telling the truth is okay, because you learn a lesson from it. Lastly, doing the right thing because it's right is way important if you want to gain integrity. For example studying while others are partying is choosing the right because it feels like it. Sure not at the moment, but it pays off later. That's basically how integrity is earned, and I agree with Mr. Stone. 

Police Officer
Duties and Responsibilities:
A police officer is a person who has many tasks. However their main task is to protect the people and the property. They are those who are responsible for people’s safety. Also police officers are those you call if you have a problem or if someone’s causing harm. Police officers also deal with people causing harm to others, by arresting them. If they feel like a person is responsible for a crime, they can arrest them, and prevent less harm from happening. Also a police officer patrols designated areas. They also enforce laws as well. Police officers have every right to question you and stop you. Police officers are allowed to testify in court, and are supposed to write a report according to an incident involving a crime. All these tasks depend in size and type of law enforcement organizations.
 Median pay (annual)56,980 USD (2012)
Median pay (hourly)27.4 USD (2012)

Education: The most important thing to be a police is not have a criminal record at all. You must be 21 years of age to be a police. Also, a high school diploma, valid driver’s license, and having no prior convictions are required. Going to a police academy is required as well. Within the academy you’ll take many exams and learn skills. Most common tests are physical and stamina exams. Police officers are trained on how to use firearms, responding to emergencies, controlling traffic, self-defense techniques, risk assessment, and role playing. In order to be a police officer it must take around 19-22 weeks.

Reflection: Honestly, I wouldn't want to be a police officer. I just find their jobs to risky, and I am not willing to risk my life out there in the dangerous world. I look up to these people, and I like their job because it's interesting.

Monday, November 9, 2015

"He that walketh with wis men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

This is something I can relate to. Our friends influences among us, and we choose to follow them. However, in this world we have the true ones, and those wanting to do the wrong. It's our choice to follow those people. Wlking with wise men, means you are surrounded by good influences. Walking with good people is a good thing because it shows what kind of character you are. If you are a really great character, you must have walked with wise men. Wise men, always choose the right, never look for stupididty, and follow the rules. Not only that, but wise men are always obedient. One day, I want to be wise man, and I know I'm in the right track with a few good friends. I would try to help a fool companion, but if he tries to influence me into doing the wrong, their will not be a friendship between us. It's sad how many people go with the wrong people, and choose the wrong. A foolish companion, breaks laws, drinks, smokes, parties, fails, and doesn't try. I'd be happy to help a person like that out, but never would I become friends with someone who would take me down that risky road. Thta's how life works, because the people we walk with influences us. One example is my parents. I'd walked with my parents and they encouraged me to do well in school. I'm thankful for walking with them throughout the years. I guess that's why people should stick around wise men, and not a foolish person, because wise men take you to great things in life. A foolish campionion would never take you far in life, and that's a fact.

Veterans Day is celebrates the service of those U.S military. Veterans Day also celebrates the soldiers who fought in the war. It also celebrates those victims who lost their lives during World War. The purpose of Veterans Day is to thank for the services veterans offered during the war. It’s like recognition for them. It’s important to show honor to Veterans because it’s an act of respect. They truly deserve respect, and honor because these veterans willingly gave up their lives to fight for their own country. Veterans Day honors these veterans annually, on November 11, ever since. It has been a tradition that has been celebrated more than sixty years. Ways to show respect for Veterans, is to say thanks. This is a well-known gesture people do common. Some people place flowers on Veterans graves to show respect and honor. Others choose to donate money to support these Veterans. Sometimes writing an appreciation card to those Veterans, shows a lot of honor and appreciation towards them.

In my opinion, I didn’t knew what was really the [purpose of this holiday. Until today, I got a good meaning what Veterans Day is and what Veterans are. I feel like it’s something nice to take a day off and recognize those people who just gave up their lives for those Veterans who served and died. Many people knew a Veteran, and this is something they can relate, weather a survivor, or victim. I feel like in away, people choose the right to make this a holiday because it shows a lot that we left this day for the recognition of those victims, and those who willingly fought. If I see a Veteran, I myself would say thank you. It would make me feel proud as well.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

''The best recreation is to do good"

I feel like recreation is the most pleasurable leisure. But there is a path you must follow. You have to choose the right and do good. Recreation is earned and it all depends in the way you act. Misbehaving can lead to reprecussions, instead of recreations. There is many shades of reprecussions, and if you choose the wrong, depending on what you did, that's how harsh your consequences will be. It's never okay to do the wrong, because you loose the oppurtunity to recreate. Recreation is what brings us freedom, safetiness, pleasure, and the ability to feel good for doing good. Its just as amzing if you do good things in life, because you'll be awarded with recreation. I feel like recreation is the best gift any human can recieve if they choose the right and do good. For example, studying isn't so fun, but if you do good on the quiz, you'll be satisfied with the score you got. Another example that I can relate from a few days ago, is when we were told in class, to never cross beyond the railing. You'll have as much time to recreate, standing behind the railing, than passing and risking your recreation by walking over the railing. People need to realize that in life, we need to do some sort of good in order to get this recreation. Recreation will not always be given to us by hand, and it all depends in our character to good. Being good is the key that opens the door to recreation. Once you do good, the door will unlock.
William Penn

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

''Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"

William Penn
1644 - 1718
This is a quote by Mr. Penn, and he says that the right thing to do will always be the right thing to do, even if you're the one chasing it, while others are turning backs for choosing the wrong. The wrong will always be the wrong thing to do, even if people is for it, following it, or in favor of it. Sometimes CTR people just want the urge to choose the wrong, and what's sad is that some people go from right to wrong. If someone is encouraging to go wrong, you must be smart enough to stay on the right path, because in this young world, bad people want to knock out CTR people off their road and end them up in the wrong side. Choosing the right, is the right thing to do, even if your supposed friend is against it. Choosing the wrong is extremely wrong even if people follow it, and even if you follow them. Today in society we must be aware that many people want to ruin CTR people, and those CTR people need to be strong enough to resist, ones bad choice or dangerous direction. People choosing the wrong, always choose the wrong and like to mess up people's life, and it could be anyone. I, for example choose the right, because I think it's the best thing to do for myself and for others, so I can take them with me throughout my journey.  I honestly won't care, if people tell me being a CTR person is lame. I would reject their offer if someone tells me to do this, or try this, knowing that it is a trap. Doing drugs is wrong, even if everyone is for it, while helping anyones is right, even if everyone is against it. Usually the wrong will always be the wrong and there's no good about it. The right will always be the right, and never will it have bad reprecussions. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

''Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."
Peter Vidmar
Mr. Vidmar himself used this as a motivation to himself. In my opinion the quote itself is motivating and empowering to never give up, because our goals take time to come. If you sacrifice a certain thing right now, it just won't feel right. Everything has its time, and I think that's what he means. When Vidmar says write your main goal, and you'll see it often means, that you have your goal planned out. Each time you see your goal, (often) it gets you one step closer and closer. Sacrifing what you want sounds to hard and will make things more complicated. Everything will feel rushed. However if you have this certain plan to gain some goal, it will be seen by you plenty of times. You'll feel more motivated to achieve your goal if you write it down and set up a plan. I feel like someone who desperately wants to achieve a certain goal, I'd show them this quote. In life we don't get what we want in the exact moment we wanted to be. People become frustrated or turn out to quit when they force themselves so much. Those are the people that need a certain plan, to obtain that goal.

Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities:
A health educator promotes most of their ideas about health. Sometimes they even make programs to encourage people to choose a healthy lifestyle. Health educators basically, collect data, and find ways how people or the community can live healthier. They try to look for improvement each time so the people can live healthier. A health educator sometimes analyzes data, sees people’s weaknesses and tries to figure out a solution for a certain health issue. They sometimes control or run, their programs depending what it is. Some Health Educator work for different issues and see what’s the problem, or if anything needs further improvement. Many health educators are available for different health issues that run through our community. Most common issues are basically, environmental health, and physical health.
Median pay (annual)41,830 USD (2012)
Median pay (hourly)20.11 USD (2012)
 Number of jobs99,400 (2012)
Education: First step in order to be a health educator is to have a Bachelor’s Degree in health care. Sometimes a High School diploma can get you a spot. Also, some high school undergraduates might be accepted as well. They have to take one year program. Then they have to take special training. Most raining is done on the job.

Monday, October 26, 2015

''A good name is rather choosen than great riches"
Proverbs 22:1

To have a good name means to have a great character. When you choose a good name rather than great riches, that means you choose to have a good character. You'd rather be known for a good person. Great riches brings us pleasure, but to have a great name brings us happiness. You are full of richness if you are truly happy. You can be the biggest billionaire out there, but be the most miserable person out there. These miserable rich billionaires that are miserable are poor in happiness. Usually a good name, or person would be happy for what they have. Most millionaires are known for being greedy, rude, or even miserable and those are all negative words to describe them. They are proven enough, to have a bad name because they are mostly stubborn and not appreciating what they have. A great car is really pleasurable. Even having a beautiful mansion is pleasurable, but it won't bring you happiness. Having a good name brings happiness, because you know you have good character within you. That's why in Proverbs 22:1 choosing a good name is better than a great bunch of riches. Besides when you die, you die for being known as a good character. Your character is what carrys on after you die. If you are a millionair, you die without your riches and I personally think its bad. I want to die for being known as something great, rather than to be known as a miserable rich guy. A few months ago, I remember watching on Discovery Channel about a show of family murders. This particular episode reminded me of this quote. The man one a lottery ticket, but he ends up getting killed for his money. The man was very greedy and always wanted more, more, more. His own richness killed him and he died with a bad name. To have a good name means to be happy with what you have and forget about the richness.

Health Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities:
Administrator’s tasks depend on what kind of facility. For example there are many administrators, like nursing home administrators, clinical administrators, and assistant administrators. Furthermore, these are the main administrators, but there are more than just these three I just listed. Basically, these administrator have this task to file patients record. Depending on what kind of health administrator you are, some work can be pretty complex and sometimes work can be easy, depending on your facility too. An administrator will issue or pay bills in their offices. They sometimes spend the day in their offices answering the phone for questions, issues or any other related health problems. This seems easy to do, but it’s a lot more complicated than it looks. That’s why specific training is needed.
Salary: $64,821 per year

In order to be a health administrator, you have to have some sort of degree in something. Some administrators have a bachelor’s degree. Those with a bachelor degree are decent administrators working in small clinics. While those with a master degree work in complex offices in the hospital.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

''A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"

Mike Krzyewski
This quote has to do something with reputation. In my opinion your actions are the leading cause to the character you are. You just can't get a good name for no apparent reason. Your behaviors are involved in your good name. For example, you can be the kind of guy who helps his mother, helps his friends, and be respectful for others. People with good names, or good reputation, are most likey admired by others. People with good names choose the right. Hopefully, I become a good name, because I want to achieve this main goal. I find it somewhat sad when someone has a bad name, because they are basically known for being bad. Sometimes this bad character is hard to get rid of because, they keep digging into choosing the wrong. Teens choosing the right, will most likely end up having a good name in their own future. A good name, good persona, or a good reputation is what someone should be heading for, and not a negative bad name. Anyone can have a good name, if they choose to follow the path of choosing the right. If I can speak to someone with a bad name, I'll truly convince them to follow the bright path, and ignore the evil, horrible path. I would like to be known as a lifesaver in my future, and I know I will achieve having a good name. People to have good names are those willing to put themselves second before others, hard workers, and responsible. There are more than one million good names and anyone can have that name. Mr. Krzyewski himself stands out as a good name, and shows a good example to the public. Well he choose the right, to have a good name. Some people in this world have a bad name like those prisoners, or drug addicts. Many people should be aware that their actions affect their character, personality and their names. Your behavior determines wether you have a good name or bad name.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


''If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be light for others to follow."
                                                                                ~Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson
I like this quote, because in life sometimes you carry false friendships with certain people. In this world, we have bad and good people. Some people choose to follow bad people. These people end up doing the wrong and get themselves into a repreccussion. I feel like any person wanting me to do the wrong is no friend at all. In fact, those are the people i want to stay away from. This might also be known as peer pressure. I heard serious cases, where a supposed friend influenced his buddy, to do some drugs. Sometimes a ''supposed friend'' even attempts murder, and wants you to cover up his incident. This is literally an enemy, and no friend at all. A friend should be someone who is empowering, and someone who influences you to choose the right. Personally, I had fake friends, that wanted me to do some sort of bad. I instead turn the other direction, and took a stand for myself to be better than them. When Mr. Monson says, ''stand for the right, even if you stand alone'', he means do the right, no matter how those fake friends see you. Even if you stand alone, you'll be glad you didn't chose the wrong like those horrible friends did. At the end, only misery, and consequences kicks in for those fake friends that chose the wrong. You can't be alone forever, anyways, because there are still good people out there, waiting to become anyone's friend. That's why we should always be strong and smart enough to choose the right, and not follow those paths were your fake friends are heading. We should always stand up to them.

Friday, October 16, 2015

''A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself.''
                                                                                               ~Noemi Trigueros

This is actually a brilliant quote. A CTR champion must be happy person to achieve so much in his or her lifetime. Anyone can be a champion. You stay a true winner if you are CTR person. You can be a great sports champion, but have the most miserable life out there for having no friends or close family. You can be, one of the most greatest singers out there, and be saddened by fame. However, being CTR person, can make you feel like a champion and that's good for you and others around you. Your making the best for yourself to be a CTR person, because at the end of the day you'll stay winning. I'd personally rather be a nice person, than to be a great athlete with no respect for himself or others. In some cases people are like that. Just because someone is a great football champion or a basketball champion, doesn't mean they are a CTR champion. We know that at the end of the day, those atheletic champions that choose the wrong, end up loosing. I feel like being a champion and being a great atheletic champion at the same time is even more awsome, because it proves you are capable of anything. Deciding to be a CTR person today, will make you feel like a CTR champion later in life. You'll be surprised on how far you made it, and you'll definitely be a CTR champion. I feel like if a person becomes a CTR person, they can be any kind of champion besides a CTR champion. I myself, feel like a CTR champion after seeing myself in the silver list. I can care less if I am being made fun of for choosing the right, because at the end of the day I feel happy. I feel like a CTR champion and that's something I should be proud of. So that's why being a CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of him or her self.
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
An ENT specialist is someone who specializes on ear, nose and throat. Usually you would see this specialist in case you have some sort of disorder, disease, or illness. Sometimes cases are so bad, that you need some surgical procedure performed in the area needed in the throat, nose, or ear. People get infections in their ears, probably because water went into their ears. This specialist would assist you right away, and will prescribe certain medicines for ear pain relief. They are also responsible for curing damage hearing loss. Not only that, but specialists are there to assist in throat surgeries. Some people apparently have swallowing and speaking problems, so they have to see this specialist.
Salary: $184,650 - $302,500
In order to be an ENT specialist you got to go to medical school. 4 years of medical school is needed. It is also imperative to score well on the MCAT, and to get a good GPA. Courses needed to qualify are, biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Soon you can join a 3 to 5 year ENT program.

I feel like this is a maybe. I like to work as an ENT specialist because it’s interesting to find cures for people.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Success is not an accident. Success is actually choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow."
                                                                                                                                  ~Alan Stein
Alan Stein
I believe in this quote in my opinion. Success is no accident. A person has a choice to either follow success, or stop chasing after it. You have to choose where you want and where your success is going to lead you. I truly believe this quote, because I honestly want to be successful in life. I found out it's a choice I need to make. In fact, it's a personal choice, I need to make, that no one can choose for me. Success is wanted by everyone, however some people conquer it. Unfortunatly some people just can't. Success has to be earned in away, and by choosing success it gets you closer. Success will never, ever come out unexpectedly, or at random times. It is way better to decide weather you want to be successful or just quit. Your desicions determine your achievement, your goal, and your success. Desicions have a big role in your success. Choosing to fail, give up, or quit will get you to failure. A person wanting success, will fail at some point and continue digging in their goals. Some people in my opinion should stop quitting, because it impacts their dreams of becoming a reality and a success. People who just fail, pick themselves up, and start out all over again, willingly trying, will reach success. Yes, success is hard but it is a relief later in life. Our habits determine our own dreams and future. What a nightmare will it be, if people just keep on quitting and wishing to be what they wanted. Habbits also play a huge role in this. People who choose to study, practice and doing homework will get them at a good start. People who want to get good grades, but feel so stupid even trying are people who will most likely fail. These people need more help. Another example would be when someone who can't play a guitar gives it a best shot and never gives up trying, knowing they will be there soon. A bad example would be, someone who just drops out of school, just because they don't try, when they don't even bother to pay attention. That's why success is a choice. choosen by people through their actions.

Monday, October 12, 2015

''When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of                                           stumbling block, it becomes a building block.''                                                                                                                                                                  ~James E. Faust

He is comparing a hard to get goal to an irritation. Usually, an irritation is some sort of discomfort. He compares an accopmplished goal to a building block. Building blocks are actually finished and complete. Once you accomplished obedience, there is no problem at all. This sort of irritation, as he says, fades away. Some people struggle just being obedient for at least once. It  takes time to achieve obedience, but you'll get there if you try. James is reffering the struggle as an irritation, and as you achieve your goal, all this irritation (struggle to be obedient) will go away. A stumbling block is a very negative adjective meaning difficulty to achieve. However once obedience touches you, you'll choose to be more respectful. Building blocks, are being referred to as relief. Relief and happiness comes once you overcome the struggle of being obedient. It is almost always important to be obedient or else the irritation kicks in, not literally. Still, it is very important to be obedient because we won't have a single struggle. Positive side affects may occur being obedient. Life is way more harder disobeying. It takes only few seconds to listen and obey. People act like it kills them. However, it is always better to stick with obedience because it won't feel like an irritation(struggle). It would feel like a building block(relief), if you choose the path to obedience. Therefore, choose obedience. 
   James E Faust

Thursday, October 8, 2015

''Choosing the right is always the right thing to do"

                                                                ~Alex Linares
This is again about choosing against what's right and what's wrong. In life many things and issues are heading away, and we need to know, what's possibly right for us. You see, choosing the right is to positive, while choosing the wrong is the negative. Never would I do the negative. I try to stick around with choosing the right because, either something good happens, or I avoid something bad from happening. Sure, sometimes you won't get anything in return but it is way better than to suffer consequences. It all depends, on what level of right you choose to pick. If you did the major right thing to do, the more happier you'll be, however in some cases you won't get anything back. Doing the right is hard, but it will pay off later. Doing the wrong is something many people should avoid. People who think its cool to do the wrong are uneducated because it's not nice to do the wrong. In fact doing the wrong is something I am afraid of because I don't know what kind of risk I'm placing myself in. Doing the wrong is no game at all. It's something serious and you wouldn't want to mess around with it, because the giggles and the pleasure, will all turn out to be regrets and misery.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

'' the primary object of all sound education."

                               ~Elizabeth Missing Sewell

I think what Mary is trying to say is that obedience will take you far in education. You have to be obedient to learn or else you won't learn a thing. Being obedient will help you a lot in educational purposes because you choose to obey to listen and you choose to follow along. Being obedient can also help you collaborate with others in a class. Without obedience, we wouldn't have doctors, or firefighters. The policies, doctors, lawyers, we see today once were in our shoes. They all chose to obey and they became something great in life. Of course when they went to school some people didn't obey. They disobeyed and life became a failure.  The reason why is because they chose to disobey and they chose not to learn. Some of them even regret not learning. In my opinion, is that I will obey my teachers. I want to become something great in life, and it all starts here in school. 
Elizabeth M. Sewell

Friday, October 2, 2015

I think HPIAM is an okay school. They schedule is better than LIBRA and SSJ. I felt confused first and I still do right now. I sort of have second thoughts of being here. At times I regret being here, but sometimes I don’t. I’m still giving HPIAM a chance. If the semester ends, and I don’t like it here, I might transfer elsewhere. I somewhat like this school, for having great teachers and meeting new friends. I barely know very few people so maybe I might transfer for that reason. It all depends, because I met new people, so that’s a good thing. If I were to rate HPIAM I’ll give it 3.2 stars. Honestly in the beginning I had a bad experience, and I would rather not be here, because I see random strangers, and I feel uncomfortable.