Thursday, April 28, 2016

‘’ A promise must never be broken.”
Alexander Hamilton

I am very familiar with Alexander Hamilton to begin with. He was a founding father of the U.S, and I basically new home from a play based on him. He was a great man, and a man who thought right. He never broke his promise, or else it would be lies. He has never broken a promise, which shows integrity and honesty. A promise shouldn’t be broken if a person is committed. It is better sometimes to tell the truth, when a person can’t catch up to the promise, instead of lying. Not everyone keeps their promise, and as a result they become rather disappointed. Alexander Hamilton is right, because no one shall break a promise if they really mean it. Not committing to a promise shows true color, and that person will never be trusted. Only people who can commit to a promise, are more responsible and more trusting.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

‘’Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
Henry David Thoreau

Goodness is definitely the only investment that will never ever fail. Financial investment does fail at times, but to invest goodness and positivity, means it will never fail. A right mind, with a good spirit, and a positive attitude is just a great human being. A person that invest their own goodness is considered to be a CTR person. It’s quote remains relevant, because goodness is what we should offer. Goodness is something that we should live with. Money fails and doesn’t bring anyone happiness. Money comes and goes, but if you are good within yourself, money may be back. Sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves to demonstrate our goodness. It shows a lot of positivity and greatness when a person sacrifices themselves into doing a certain good with people. For example a person can be loyal to a friend or a family member, which shows that that person will always have their backs. Sometimes helping a person when they are in need can show a great act of kindness. Other times we can be encouraging to those who are feeling down. Defending what you stand for, or what’s right also shows maturity and goodness. Investing goodness is good, and you’ll feel good once a kind or good act has been done.
Recreation Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
A recreation therapist is a person who professionalized in helping other’s mental and emotional health through the process of recreation. Their purpose is to help patients engage their patients and help them learn to live with a good mind and spirit. They help a person get use to a disease, injury, or illness, so in a way they help cope. Recreation therapists also keep track of their patient’s well-being. Things they might do are, play a game, a sport, a puzzle, or create crafts, to keep them on a good mind. Most of the time, each recreation therapist has  a certain duty, based from their location of employment.

Averagely about $30,813 is made per year.

What’s important is a bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation. It’s basically a science course people take into becoming a recreation therapist. Some states don’ t offer licensed so it be easier into getting a job. However, it is required for the person to be certified by the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation.

Friday, April 22, 2016

‘’My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they are popular; you make them because they’re right.”

-Theodore Hesburgh
Military Medical Career Pathways

In the various fields of military there are medical pathways. Some people assume there isn’t as much medical attention in the army, navy, air force, etc. But the most common job in the field is a military nurse. A military nurse often monitors a patient’s well being. They sometimes work in military clinics, or hospitals, or in battling cases. They are in charge of preparing the patient for surgery, helping a patient take care of themselves, and also checks on how sick they are. Also they help out monitoring wounds and other injuries. However, they can’t prescribe medicines.

They earn a  salary of $81,000 a year.


To become a military nurse, a person must have a bachelor’s or a master's degree in nursing. A person then must get licensed by the state. Then they can join. Academic requirements for this profession isn’t that much.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

‘’It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that is usnsound.’
                                                                                                                 -Joseph Smith

The concept behind this quote as said by Joseph Smith, is to make the right decisions more well known in society today. Promoting good into society will have positive impact in today’s youth. Nowadays, teenagers follow a trend. They act a certain way, they wear certain clothes, and sometimes they listen to what is trending. However, not everything in media is positive. Not everyone dresses appropriately. Some teenagers tend to listen to explicit songs that are just inappropriate dirty slang. The media throughs out what teenagers should behave, like being rebellious, or doing wrong to people. It is necessary to know that today’s trends, do infact put people on the map, either to the dead end, or the road of rightfulness. In some cases, listening to the wrong music, wearing the wrong clothes, or acting a certain way can put anybody in deep consequences. In fact, I knew this story that I guy was beaten up, because he wanted to be a gangster looking person. I also heard that a girl was once kidnapped because she attracted a older man, for what she was wearing. Society should bury everything that promotes wrong. Many things are overlooked. Something that should be popular is clean music, in which people can get positive influences from. Wearing the right kind of clothing should be promoted as well, instead of gang related clothing, or short, see through clothing. Many things that are good, shall be popular among the youth, since they are the most influenced.

Delivery and Labor Nurse

Delivery and labor nurses are people who assist in helping out pregnant women in their birth stages. Usually they collaborate, in order to help deliver a child. They both help coach women, and help them with their needs. Women can sometimes feel nervous or terrified, and it is their job to keep them calm during birth. During both labor, and childbirth, the delivery or labor nurse, would monitor the woman’s blood pressure, the baby’s heart rate, and their bodies temperature. It is important to take several information, since anything can go wrong during the birth stage. In other moments, they rush a doctor, to save a woman’s life because some struggle to deliver, and so some woman can die. Luckily, more women tend to live because of these resources like the nurses. Nurses also tell a women proper care of their child, certain medications to use if the baby is sick, when it is appropriate to breastfeed, etc.

Salary: $66,640 per year

A person must have a bachelor’s for a delivering nursing field. It is imperative to have a science bachelor’s to get a person further into this career. Sometimes training can be on the job, when bachelor’s degree is accomplished. Some nurses can get registered and then after they can become licensed, and certified in the near future.  

Monday, April 18, 2016

“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”
                                                                                                                       Abraham Lincoln

Abraham was a man with a good mind with a magnificent way of thinking. He never seemed to care about winning the election. He deserved to be president for doing what’s right. When he was growing up, he knew what was right and what felt wrong. He might have seen examples of people doing right and wrong. Lincoln probably decided he will act the right way. Mr. Lincoln was around right people because they heavily impact him in choosing the wrong. He will part from someone who tries to do any wrong. As a right person, he never felt tempted into doing what is wrong. Guessing how great and honest he was, he felt right all the time. This quote shows relevance because many people or teens nowadays have certain influences in which makes them behave a particular way. Some teens might be rebellious and choose the wrong. This is the result for hanging out with wrong people. If they were to realize what they're doing is seriously, bad than they will consider choosing the right. As Lincoln always did it is imperative to stay with the right people.


Origami is associated with the Japanese culture.Origami is best known for folding papers into incredible figures. Origami is also a form of art. It is a unique form of art, because it is just paper, and what a person does is fold papers in various ways until we see a figure. Any paper will do, but it essential for the paper to be squared. Origami paper are always squared with one side colored or with a pattern, and a white blank side to it. Origami paper in Japan, is also known as kami. There are a lot of techniques used in the folding process. Not all sculptures take the same amount of time. In some professions people do take as much time as needed. During the folding process there are some foldings, reverse foldings, squash folds, mountain and valley folds, pleats, and sinks. Sometimes it can get complicated because beginners do get lost, but with practice they can create decent sculptures. Besides paper, some folders like to use a table or a hard surface. Other users don’t need a surface. However, complex sculptures do need a little bit more tools such as a bone folder, to make creases much more easier. Paper clips are sometimes used as a support. Paper clips serve as extra fingers. Anyone can start as simple, and can go beyond.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

’’Character is higher than intellect.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I believe this is true and relevant. Character will make a person go further. People that are just well educated might not have character. It is important to educate people into using good character, because if they aren’t educated, they will not be ready for the real world. Education is just as important to have good character, but character will always be higher at the end of the day. Knowledge is powerful, and anyone can dominate and use full advantage of it. In prison we have people who have been arrested for illegal hacking, or cracking codes they aren’t suppose to. Some prisoner in fact, have a high I.Q. Using knowledge for scams and evil doesn’t demonstrate anything good. Knowledge is powerful and it can lead a person in both right or wrong directions. It is up to the person which way they would want to go. A person who is intellected must learn what a good character is to be prepared in life. Knowledge must be used for good, and people should be more aware of it. Being educated doesn’t make a person CTR, only having good character does, and that is why it set the bar pretty high.  
Mental Health Counselor

Duties and Responsibilities:
A (MHC), or a mental health counselor is someone who helps people that go through many problems. They are all different but work in similar ways. A mental health counselor work with other kinds of therapies beside cognitive. They have a specific location where they work. Some examples would be hospitals, local clinic, and even other mental health facilities. Some also choose to work with specific kinds of people like adults, children, and the elderly. Mental Health Counselors also work with people who go through depression, bipolar disorders, people who experienced a death of a loved one, and relationship problems.


A master’s degree is vital to become a mental health counselor. Luckily there are programs that can get someone there with a master’s degree. A license is then needed after earning a master’s degree in mental health or psychology. Then a person can get certified officially.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

‘’I trust that my hard work will pay off.’’
-Tyler Haws

This is such a relatable and significant quote. Hard work will always get a person into a further state. Hard work is the reason why we have these politicians, doctors, polices, etc. If people wouldn’t work hard all these professors and educators wouldn’t exist. Working hard seems so much to do, but it does really pay off if the best efforts are put in. It takes a sacrifice, and at some point the goal will be accomplished. Sometimes hard work can lead to failure, and that’s okay. From failure we know much better, and it wouldn’t hurt trying all over again. Eventually, people do get there if they set their minds right. Nothing is to impossible and anyone can accomplish what they want to do. Hard work is tough, but the results are worth it. Hard work will always pay off. Currently, I am trying to maintain my straight a by taking each class seriously and staying focus. It’s quite simple. If someone gets a F in the report card, they shouldn’t be surprised since they didn’t contribute into putting effort in class. If someone ends up with good grades, they have every right to feel great. That is why hard work will pay off, since dreams and goals are accomplish.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Culinary Chef

Duties and Responsibilities:
A culinary chef is a person who professions in planning and creating foods. Many chefs are rather different. Some chefs work in their own certain profession like grilling, roasting, baking etc. Others are more diverse, and have more skills and profession in cooking. It's necessary to know as much dishes as possible if a person is going to be an advanced chef. Being a chef, requires many responsibilities. Many of their dishes and desserts must satisfy the customer. Chef’s work place are diversed. Some work in restaurants, cruisers, hospitals, etc. They all are different in food style and recipe.

Salary: $21.80 Hourly Wage
           $45,340 Annual Salary

Education: High School Diplomas will do just fine. It is not necessary to require other high degrees. As soon as that is done, a person must get a degree in culinary art profession or a similar field relating to culinary profession. Some colleges and schools have programs that help students achieve. Certification then happens if the person is ready. Not everyone will be ready at first. Some take up to 5 years, until they become certified. By then culinary chefs will have technical skills, computer skills, and key skills like creativity, socialization, and leadership. The more they put into effort, the more advanced the chef would be.

Reflection: I wouldn’t want to be one at all, but I found this career interesting. However, I would like to learn how to make food and dishes. I would also want to learn how to bake things as well. I just happen to have an interest of creating foods, since my dad was a former culinary chef.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

“They’re only truly great who are truly good.”
George Chapman
George Chapman has said something very marvelous. This phrase itself has depth and meaning. This is a great quote since I see it relevant in today’s society. What Mr. Chapman is trying to say is that if a person is good in heart, they are truly great individual. This is a fact because, anyone who’s good in heart, are rather seen as something great by society. Anyone will think a person’s great, if they behave good, if they act well, and if they are well to themselves. What I mean by this is, if a person seems to know what’s right and acts in a mannered behavior, it shows the person is truly great. Great people are those who choose the right and that will always be true. Never will a bad person be this great. CTWs aren’t great and set the bar pretty low, unlike these great people. Knowing good behavior and using it on others shows how great you truly are. It totally adds you on the list of great people. That only happens when you are truly good, according to Mr. Chapman

Monday, April 4, 2016

‘’Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”
~George Mitchell

George Mitchell believes that a cheater is the worse thing in sports. In my opinion I think a cheater is bad in general too. Cheating isn’t the shortcut to success. In fact it is the dead route, or the trap, many people fall in. In life we face certain circumstances in which we have to figure something it out, based on what we know or what we are skilled for. Using that is powerful enough, and it shows that the person is being fair about the situation. However, someone who looks up the solution, or enhances their skill to win, is rather a cheater. Once again, not just sports, but in general people shouldn’t cheat over a goal or an accomplishment. If a person wins something by cheating, the award won’t really have meaning. Accomplishments, goals, and dreams are those for the ones who play the game fair. Consequences are for those who decided to cheat to get their. Nothing in life is handed to us. We must put efforts in our work to prove we can get to the top of the summit. Cheating will always be a waste of time, so will the reward after cheating, and the consequence. It is important to know that cheating will never be the solution to accomplish anything.
Duties and Responsibilities:
A psychologist is a person who studies the brain in which why people act, think or behave in a certain way. In other words a psychologist studies the human mind. It is interesting because it is job in which a person has to find out what is the reason for this certain disorder. Psychology research helps provide a better understanding within mental health disorder, memory, and behavior. Their research is beneficial as well. However, jobs and responsibilities vary depending on which psychologist. Certain psychologists that are familiar to our society are, school psychologist, clinical psychologists, counseling psychologist, developmental psychologist, etc. What they do have in common is that they all do study the mind.

Salary varies from other types of psychologists. Averagely the most common psychologist gets paid around $72,710- $88,400 a year.

First things first being a psychologist means, the person must have an idea of what kind of psychologist they want to be. Every psychologist has a certain profession. If the person wants to be one, they must know. Then the person must go into college. After college is over with a degree, the person must then go to a graduate school. Then a person can get licensed after an exam.


Honestly, I wouldn’t want to be a psychologist, because I’d rather be a psychiatrist, or a cardiologist.