Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Evan Stephens
''If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."

I find this quote or saying relevant til this day. It is true that choosing the right makes you feel fearless. Really great feelings like happinesses and joy kicks in. Its the best thing to do because you are no where near fear. In life, there is many kinds and levels or rewards and happiness. Depending on how good you had been, your reward can be something simple, or something massive just for choosing the right. However, choosing the wrong can lead you to a consequence. Consequences can have many levels depending on what wrong a person has done. Some consequences take away a few privilages, while other consequences can be quite serious. When people choose the wrong, it makes them have a guilt and some sort of fear of getting caught, people finding out, or the news spreading to others. If anything choosing the wrong, gets you to a horrible state. Prison exists for those people who choose the wrong. These people broke laws, commit murders, sold drugs, and other horrible crimes. Some of those people are just so weak that they fear being in prison. That's why they pay there punishment. These people when they were young had no one to educate them. They had no one to guide them, or know one to look up to which is kind of sad. Choosing the right always makes you have a positive feeling. Never, ever will you feel upset, or frightend when you choose the right. I remember one time when my parents told me, you see those people, there is nothing fun about drinking or doing drugs at 3;00am worrying to get caught. They told me to be something in life. Thats why I follow the road to choose the right. Its the most safest and great thing to do. People should ignore, that little devil in their shoulder and choose the right. No need to fear.

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