Tuesday, December 1, 2015

              ''Kindness is the essence of greatness.
                            ~Joseph B. Wirthlin

Mr. Wirthlin thinks that kindness is the essence to greatness. This is true because kindness gets you to a better state with people. My mother always told me to treat others like I want to be treated. Being kind to people did so many things to me. I avoided drama with those people who were rude, I made good friends, and I enjoy my classes. Being kind to other is something great, and you feel great to. Something kind would be greeting someone, or show your generosity towards someone. Anyone can be nice and become something great. I have to say, I was fortunate to grow up with kind parents. I also feel fortunate to have a kind teacher like Haymore to teach me life lessons. I feel like kindness does open doors. Even though people can be mean, you should still be kind to them, because a CTR person always makes that move. People should be kind to one another throughout their lives. When I go to college, I will always remember to be kind. However, we have people in this world who are unkind. Sometimes it is hard to deal with these people because of selfishness, child like behavior, or attitude. These people like to hurt people's feelings, lie, ignore, or even use anyone for their own needs. Sometimes we can't change them, so we have to deal with it. We have to act like adults, act mature about the situation, and just be kind to them. Kindness can save you from drama, arguements, and other unneccessary fights. The mature thing to do is be kind to anyone, because it leads you to greatness.

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